Top 100 Baby Boy Names

The baby boy name list here shows the United States government statistics on the 100 most popular names for boys for 2012. Many baby boy names that are in the list have been a favorite boy name for many years like William (3) and David (18) while new ones have made their first appearance like Diego (99).
1. Jacob
2. Mason
3. William
4. Jayden
5. Noah
6. Michael
7. Ethan
8. Alexander
9. Aiden
10. Daniel
11. Anthony
12. Matthew
13. Elijah
14. Joshua
15. Liam
16. Andrew
17. James
18. David
19. Benjamin
20. Logan
21. Christopher
22. Joseph
23. Jackson
24. Gabriel
25. Ryan
26. Samuel
27. John
28. Nathan
29. Lucas
30. Christian
31. Jonathan
32. Caleb
33. Dylan
34. Landon
35. Isaac
36. Gavin
37. Brayden
38. Tyler
39. Luke
40. Evan
41. Carter
42. Nicholas
43. Isaiah
44. Owen
45. Jack
46. Jordan
47. Brandon
48. Wyatt
49. Julian
50. Aaron
51. Jeremiah
52. Angel
53. Cameron
54. Connor
55. Hunter
56. Adrian
57. Henry
58. Eli
59. Justin
60. Austin
61. Robert
62. Charles
63. Thomas
64. Zachary
65. Jose
66. Levi
67. Kevin
68. Sebastian
69. Chase
70. Ayden
71. Jason
72. Ian
73. Blake
74. Colton
75. Bentley
76. Dominic
77. Xavier
78. Oliver
79. Parker
80. Josiah
81. Adam
82. Cooper
83. Brody
84. Nathaniel
85. Carson
86. Jaxon
87. Tristan
88. Luis
89. Juan
90. Hayden
91. Carlos
92. Jesus
93. Nolan
94. Cole
95. Alex
96. Max
97. Grayson
98. Bryson
99. Diego
100 Jaden

If you can not decide on a baby boy name then you can always close your eyes and point to one of these top 100 names and see which one you randomly selected. A better option is to read the baby naming tips and take a look at the top 100 popular baby names for boys and girls.