The best baby girl quotes speak to the amazing gift that is having a daughter. Often it is a challenge to come up with an expression to show our joy and express how rewarding and humbling the experience of having a baby girl truly is for us. These memorable baby girl sayings by famous and unknown people can help express some of these feelings.

Baby girl quotes are a wonderful way to express your feelings. Quotes about baby girls are great for sharing something inspiring, funny or clever.

Share your favorites with your friends and family.

  • “Little Girls are Heavens Flowers” ~ Unknown
  • “Little girls are precious gifts like birds and brooks and streams…their hair is tied up with ribbons and bows…their hearts are tied up with dreams.” ~ Unknown
  • “Find a pretty flower and dress it up with curls, fill its petals with a love for life, and you have got a little girl.” ~ Unknown
  • “Courage, determination, pride…that’s what little girls are made of.” ~ Unknown
  • Our hearts are filled with happiness. Our lives are filled with love. We have the baby girl/boy we have been dreaming of.
  • “Pretty dresses Little Curls, Oh thank heaven for little girls!” ~ Unknown
  • “Find a pretty flower and dress it up with curls, fill its petals with a love for life, and you have got a little girl.” ~ Unknown

girls playing soccer